Hallo! Sie können uns Ihre Meinung hier sagen (schreiben) oder auch nur mitteilen, dass Sie diese Seiten besucht haben! Für Anregungen und Hinweise sind wir sehr dankbar. Wir hoffen aber, die Seiten gefallen Ihnen ein wenig?!
weiß von euch jemand wo man das Powerboat Racing Video herbekommt?
Lieben Gruß Klaus
Kommentar / Antwort:
Holger Stoll, 6.12.2007: Welches?Klaus Hermann, 7.12.2007: Der Zusammenschnitt zu dem Lied Powerboat racing, welches in Brandenburg vorgestellt wurde.Holger Stoll, 7.12.2007: Das weiß ich auch nicht.Holger Stoll, 10.09.2011: Eventuell dieses hier oder dieses?
Guys the website is great and very easy to read in any language my German is very poor but I have spent quite a while looking through your pages. I am particularly interested in the Honda 1000 Fireblade engine installation. Is it very difficult to complete, do you have to run a special gearbox or just use the one from the bike? if so is it constantly in gear and do you cool the engine with lake water or closed loop system?? Hope someone can answer my questions. Do you use the complete wiring loom from the bike or make one from scratch Thank You Stuart(uk)
Das Powerboat Speedworld WebTV gibt es jetzt auch bei youtube mit allen Beiträgen aus 2007 plus exklusiv eine ausführliche Zusammenfassung der Formel 2 aus Auronzo. die Adresse: http://www. youtube.com/motorbootrennen
Ich freue mich das du es selber endlich begriffen hast ein Boot zu fahren!!!!!Ja du bist gemeint.....Holger Stoll......!!!!!! Mfg...Nr.22...Günter schiller
Hallo here is a first round new's from the UIM meeting and what have come out of it concerning the hydro classes, as follows:
- A HWG to be set up to handle the hydro questions. Manning to be discussed and agreed in a next "Berlin" meeting. I understand it like Phil Stacy and Sue will lead work to put together/man this group and that it's very mush left to us/them what we are to work with and decide about. .
- Water festivals/events with several/many hydro classes to take priority before single hydro class races.
- Water registrations to be updated and with mush better security
- Education of UIM commissioners, for better security
- Maximum price for a destroyed boy
- All turn points to be marked with 2 boys
- Smaller modifications of hydro boats, rounding of our front tips, better specifications of side protection.. etcetera
These are the main points as agreed upon, the formulation and details of the decisions to come later from UIM and not made by me in Swinglish but I am sure you understand the meaning and what to come.
Also worth to say is that the Polish federation got beaten over the head like never seen and heard before during UIM history, according to our Per Benson.
In my eyes and ears. This is a clear step forward for us/hydro and it's now very mush up to us to deliver good ideas- proposals- decisions to/through the HWG.